Industry Events & Conferences

Hospitality Schools: Empowering Future Planners

Listen to Audio How hospitality schools leverage technology and practical training to shape the industry’s future Knowledge is power. From an up-and-coming planner’s perspective, information and on-the-ground...

How to Use Event Management Software Like a Pro

Your desk is buried under spreadsheets, your email inbox is overflowing with attendee questions, and your to-do list keeps growing. Sound familiar? This is...

Managing Internal Events with RFID Company Cards

Creating internal events presents additional complications compared to day-to-day operations, especially when it comes to ensuring security and controlled access only for authorized employees....

What Is An Event Chatbot – The Meeting Pool Blog

BufferIn today’s Whiteboard Wednesday, we tackle the question: What is an event chatbot? Chatbots and digital assistants have become our trusted companions at home and...

Why Good Virtual Events Cost Money

When it comes to virtual and hybrid events, some people think, “Eh, let’s just host the event on Zoom and call it a day.”...

From Planning to Promotion: Elevating Your Pre-Event Marketing

Take Your Event Marketing to the Next Level – Discover Proven Strategies to Drive Early Registrations and Maximize ROI With event registrations trending later in...

Event Lighting: Illuminating Success | Smart Meetings

Listen to Audio Mastering lighting for your events And we’re back! Continuing our series, we’ve already looked at the A and V of AV. In this...

How to Increase Your Response Rate

Event planners and organizers today face a common challenge – maximizing RSVP response rates for their events. With so many competing priorities and distractions,...

Measuring Event ROI with beamian: Driving Event Success

beamian’s Approach to Addressing ROI Challenges beamian implements a customized solution, focusing on each stage of the event journey for accurate ROI assessment: Step 1: Comprehensive...

Newbie podcasters might have a tech savior – The Meeting Pool Blog

Buffer Managing a podcast could get a lot simpler thanks to Focusrite and its soon-to-be-released Vocaster series. The Vocaster One and Vocaster Two (opens in new...

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